Weight loss
counseling script
scripts are equally as important as hypnosis scripts. This script was developed
by reading from many sources and experience from seeing hundreds of clients. If
you chose to use this script as a structure, I encourage you to continue to
read research and change the script over time. Even though this script is not
perfect, it does for me give me a structure that allows me to help nearly every
client who sees me to lose 4 to 8 kilos in only four sessions of hypnotherapy
as I’m sure that it will for you.)
Pretalk -
As Anthony
Robins says, the only way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. It’s not
through a magic pill or crash diets that you can’t sustain lifestyles that
cycle from healthy to unhealthy and confuse the metabolism; it’s through a
consistent life style of healthy eating and healthy movement. We know this
stuff already, so why do people still get it wrong? It’s because we have our
energy backwards. We allow our forward moving energy, our emotional eating, our
behavior that moves forward to eat instead of to crave exercise, and we allow
our backwards or relaxed energy to procrastinate away from exercise instead of
to procrastinate away from junk food. It’s that easy with hypnotherapy, we
re-program, re-channel that energy. Your cravings will become to move and to
eat healthy and your laziness will be too relaxed to snack, so relaxed that you
are already satisfied at the right times of the day.
The first rule
of weight loss – Television, the Pavlov’s new bell.
Have you
heard of Pavlov’s Dog? Ivan Pavlov was a Russian Physiologist 1849-1936, who
proved that dogs can be trained. Every time Ivan fed his dogs, he would ring
this bell which is now called ‘Pavlov’s Bell’.
After a while, the dogs were so used to and trained by hearing the sound of
this bell that they would begin to associate it with food. In fact, the dogs
would get so used to smelling and tasting food after hearing this bell that
Pavlov could ring the bell when there was no food and the dogs would
automatically start to salivate just from the associating that had formed
between a ringing bell and food.
So how does
this relate to people? Can this work with us? Television is the new Pavlov’s Bell. If every time you
see a TV you eat, then every time you see a TV, not only will you feel hungry,
but you will actually start to metabolize. When you go to the Silver Screen,
the cinemas, you are expected to eat. Buy some salty popcorn, buy a big sugary
drink to go with it. Slowly but surely, we have become trained into eating and
drinking when we see a rectangle.
The first
rule of weight loss is 1. Keep TV and Food Separate. Junk food is way, way too
portable. When your favorite show comes on TV, the ad break comes on, food
companies spend millions of dollars to put their ad in front of you at the time
when you are most susceptible to suggestion. Why do they pay so much for these
30 second consumer snippets? Because TV is the New Pavlov’s Bell. Keep TV and Food Separate. Rule 1 is to
keep all food to the breakfast table, lunch table and dinner table. The
breakfast table is for eating at, TV’s are for watching, cars are for driving,
beds are for sleeping in, work desks are for working at. Food only gets eaten
at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table.
You will
literally stop boredom hunger when you stop associating other areas with food.
You can’t
control what you can’t measure. Imagine you were driving a car with a
windscreen so dirty that you couldn’t see out of it. What good is a steering
wheel if you can’t see where you’re steering to? Take this calendar and tick
each day as you go. As you follow the three rules, I want you to tick that day
to show that you followed the rules. So many people think that they are eating
well or exercising well, when in fact they aren’t even counting half of what
they eat or drink.
You can pick
one day to be your treat day, which means you can have whatever you want within
reason on that day. Alcohol is a treat not a food group, so you have one day
per week when you can consume alcohol. Six days per week, you are following the
rules and taking care of your body. One day per week you are treating yourself.
You do not have to cut out all treats all of the time. It’s ok to have
something to look forward to. Just so long as your treat becomes the exception,
not the rule. Slowly but surely, you are anchoring your behavior. You are
training yourself away from Pavlov’s New Bell and keeping All Food to the
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Table. Do this for one week and notice how your feelings
and habits change. It becomes easy once we recruit your habits into the game.
You can have a fun, enjoyable healthy life with relatively little effort. Rule
1. Make the breakfast, lunch or dinner table the only place where you eat.
The second
rule of weight loss – The body is a machine, Fuel up in the morning before your
trip, not at night before you sleep. Don’t forget liquids are foods to. Plus
the 11 systems of the body and how they relate to each other
200 –
breakfast, lunch, dinner
Your body is
a machine. It needs fuel at the beginning of the day. Not at the end of the day
before bed. Society has dietary intake all wrong. We invite each other to
restaurants or to each others houses to feast just hours before bed time. It
should be at the other end of the day. Come around for breakfast and we’ll
feast. We’ll give you a fighting chance to work off some of those carbs. You
should have a big breakfast at the start of the day, and even smaller lunch and
an even smaller dinner. Then stop, after dinner, there is no need to eat. If
you eat a great big dinner, what is your body going to do with most of that
food? It will store fats and sugars. The average kilojoules intake for the
human body is 8700KJ. The body burns off 1300 each day just by being awake.
Exercise will burn off more, however anything you take late in the day won’t
have that 1300KJ advantage that comes from 16 hours of being awake. The second
rule is to eat like a king in the morning, a prince at lunch and a beggar at
200 – 11 systems
of the body, the food pyramid and how the body processes food.
The human
body is made up of 11 systems.
To remember
them, you can use the Acronym MURDERS LINC
1. The Muscular system - controls the
movement of the body
2. The Urinary System – rids the body of
waste that can be carried in a liquid
3. The Respiratory System – The channel
where oxygen travels from the
4. The Digestive System – Responsible
for digestion and solid waste
5. The Endocrine System – All glands and
secretion. Fat is a part of the endocrine system.
How the Thyroid affects metabolism
6. The Reproductive System – responsible
for production of off spring
7. The Skeletal System – the framework
of the body, essential for creation of blood cells.
8. The Lymphatic System – the open
channel under the dermal layer where fats and toxins travel. Fat travels
through the lymphatic system.
9. The Integumentary System – made up of
the bodies skin, hair and nails.
The Nervous System – Pyridoxine, or B6 help to
create neurotransmitters for communicating to and from the brain. Meat, fish,
potatoes, bananas and legumes (dry beans, peas, lentils and soy products) are
all rich in Pyriodoxine (B6)
Circulatory System
The Food
61% of your
diet should be – breads, noodles, beans, whole grains and vegetables most.
11% of your
diet should be – fruit, Calcium foods, Flavonoid food.
7% of your
diet should be – Omega 3 foods, fish seafood etc…
2% of your
diet should be – Vegetable Oils and Condiments
13% of your
diet should be – Meat, Eggs and Poultry
6% of your
diet should be – sweets, sugary snacks.
Why Protein, Vitamins and complex
carbohydrates can be healthier than sugars and simple natural carbohydrates.
Sugars are
simple carbohydrates, the more simple a carbohydrate (or the more processed a
carbohydrate is) the easier it is to turn to fat. While complex carbohydrates
found in wholegrain breads, oats, muesli and brown rice are broken down into
glucose (sugars) more slowly. This creates a more gradual stream of energy
throughout the day.
Food starts
at the mouth, is broken up by the teeth and partial digestion begins as saliva
digests the food. The body is incredible, it knows just what to do when you
eat. Then what happens? What happens to food after you swallow it? Next the
food travels down pharynx at the back of the throat to the esophagus, then from
the esophageal sphincter and lands in the stomach where stomach acid continues
to break the food into small pieces called Chyle. Ok, so far so good, you eat
the food you swallow it and the stomach does the rest right? No, wrong! The
stomach doesn’t actually digest food, it just breaks it up into smaller pieces.
The food leaves the stomach through the Pyloric Sphincter into the Duodenum of
the small intestine. So what does the small intestine do? It digests and absorbs
the fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Both carbohydrates and proteins then
travel throughout the blood stream to feed the body. Fat does not travel
through the blood stream, but must take the lymphatic system. What does this
mean for you? It means that your blood stream sends nutrients throughout the
body and your cells get a good feed, which is great for protein and
carbohydrates, but what is the lymphatic system doing with all of that fat that
you just ate?
The small
intestine produces 3 chemicals for digesting food
Protease to
digest Protein
Amylase for
starch or carbohydrates, sugars etc..
And Lipase
for fat digestion
You break
down Protein to Amino Acids
Carbohydrates to Glucose
And Fat into
Fatty Acids
Your blood
stream eats the Amino Acids and Glucose, and your Lymphatic system takes the
fatty Acids.
That fatty
acid stays under the dermal layer, or under the skin as what we call Fat. It
basically stays there until you melt or burn it away with exercise. So eating
fat and not burning it off is one cause of storing fat, but what happens to any
amino acids or glucose that doesn’t get used?
Well, amino
acids don’t turn to fat. If you remember amino acids start as protein, and feed
the cells of your body.
Any undigested food travels to the large
intestine or Colon,
which then removes water, manufactures vitamins then forms and expels feces
with what’s left over and finishes its journey through the rectum. But that’s
not the whole story, Mouth, Stomach, Intestine, the body takes the food that it wants, stores fat and
everything else gets expelled right?, No, not all sugars get used and expelled.
When you eat more simple carbohydrates (sugars) than what you need, the liver
and gallbladder need to work too hard. Most of what you eat can’t be used until
your liver filters and turns the nutrients into a format that the body can eat.
The liver filters out toxins, absorbs nutrients and stores fuel for you body.
What happens what you make the liver work too hard with too much alcohol and
proteins, fats and carbohydrates?
Proteins are
gold, they’re kind of like logo. You can break the Lego car apart and turn it
into a helicopter, you can do whatever you want with Lego. Proteins are just
like little building blocks. They get turned into amino acids and then turned
back into what ever type of protein that the body wants. Proteins are good.
It’s the Sugars, sugars are simple carbohydrates that are unlikely to be used,
and more than likely to stress out the liver and the gallbladder. The liver has
to work too hard to filter out the toxins so you don’t go poisoning your blood
stream. The gallbladder which is a holding area for the bile or lipase for
Fat isn’t
bad. 14% body fat is fit. 20% body fat is obese. Fatty acids are connective
tissues that are very important in the Endocrine system for keeping things
together. Too much fat in the body can cause organ failure.
200 – Liquids are foods
How many
people sit in front of their computers sipping away at their soft drink and
wonder why they can’t lose weight. How many people don’t count the sugar that
they consume in liquids. Liquids is where most of your large quantities of
sugar come from. Look at any bottle of soft drink and compare it with any
sugary breakfast cereal and tell me which one is going to have the most amount
of sugar. Juice has high levels of sugar, you do not need too much juice.
Sluppies are massively full of sugar. Even diet soft drink is not a health
product. It’s full of stuff that the body does not need. Diet soft drinks
contain artificial sweeteners and a laundry list of other ingredients. I have
known people who couldn’t lose any weight no matter how little food they ate.
Then they cut out the bad liquids and they started to drop in size rapidly.
Lesson number one of weight loss is always, count your liquids as food. For
some reason, people count liquid as some special category, because you pour it
into a cup, it must not contain anything bad. It’s the liquids that contain the
worst of our entire dietary intake. Five bowls of sugary cereal is still not as
much sugar as a 600 ml soft drink. Count your liquid intake. Better still,
drink only water and take your juice through the eating of fruit. A 2 liter
bottle of juice can contain 22 oranges. What would happen to you if you ate 22
oranges? Don’t over juice yourself. Diabetes is usually not caused by what a
person eats nearly as much as what they drink.
So what does
the Thyroid do? Basically it secretes a hormone that tells the cells how
quickly they should burn through their fuel. The two problems with the thyroid
can be when the pituitary gland becomes lazy and reduces the signals that it
sends to the thyroid to tell it to produce hormones, or that the thyroid itself
gets lazy. Either one is very rare. The number one cause for an unhealthy body
is lifestyle. It’s too much food and not enough exercise.
The bodies
ability to metabolize Carbohydrates, fats (lipids) and proteins is affected by
the TSH thyroid hormone, especially on the metabolism of fats.
The cells
need food. The TSH, T3 and T4 hormones tell the cells how quickly to burn
through lipids and proteins. They tell the cells how active to be. Starvation
and fasting decreases the signals from the pituitary gland that tells the
thyroid to release metabolism hormones. The result is fasting reduces cell
activity. Balanced meals, vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy, and grains all help
in production of iodine which assists the thyroid in telling your cells to eat
and be more active.
Salt is
another important part of the body. Why? Because the sodium in the salt helps
to maintain the liquid levels in our cells and is essential in transmitting
information to and from our nerves and muscles
The third
rule of weight loss – Visualize, See and Feel your goal using Positive Expressions.
See, hear and feel yourself the way that you would like to be. This is setting
a target in the sub-conscious mind.
200 –
Sub-conscious map
Your brain
is an incredibly effective tool for creating results. However, without the
knowledge of how it works, there’s little chance that a person is going to get
great results if they don’t have the user manual on the brain. Your mind is
made up of a conscious and a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind’s job is to
understand logic, reasoning, thinking, creative and analytical thinking styles.
However your subconscious does not think logically. It thinks literally with
your senses. When a person loses weight effectively, they do it so much more
easily when they recruit the help of the subconscious mind instead of fighting
and fighting with it. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than the
conscious mind. You have 40 conscious neural connections per second in your
conscious mind and 40 trillion neural connections with your subconscious mind
per second. So who do you think is going to win? The subconscious who is one
trillion times more powerful of course. The only way to give effective
instructions to your subconscious is to speak its language. The subconscious
does not speak the language of logic, it speaks the language of pictures,
sounds, feelings taste and smell. It speaks the language of your five senses.
If I asked you to not think of red, would you think of red anyway? Once we
start talking about red, it’s not possible to not think about it for at least a
moment. You cannot look at a big red stop sign without knowing what it says,
even though logically you can say, I don’t want to know what it says. Your
sentence of, “I don’t want to” get’s deleted from the subconscious and ,”Know
what it says,” which is the sensory instruction gets carried out. As soon as
you describe something, you are thinking about it. You are better off
describing what you want in positive language then to describe what you don’t
want with the word “Not” in front of it. Don’t say, “I want to not be fat,”
take out the logical process word of “not” and you are left with all of the
imagery of “I want to be fat” , instead say, “I want to be healthy and slim.”
The subconscious will be able to picture slim.
200 – Self
Self talk is
the most important tool that you have to change any behavior. Your subconscious
is just like a jukebox. It doesn’t care if you like the songs that you have
lined up or if you really can’t stand the songs that you have lined up. Every
thought you have is like a song on the jukebox. The machine just plays the
songs back to you as you line them up. If you line up one positive song, (or in
this case one positive thought) and you say, “I can do this, I know I can. I
can feel myself getting healthier every single day!”, then that’s one really
great through. However if you then line up nine negative songs, (again in this
case a negative thought) and say, “See, I knew it wouldn’t work, that will
teach me not to expect miracles”, then you would have one positive song /
thought and nine negative songs / thoughts. You need all ten songs / thoughts
to be positive. Your sub conscious speaks the language of the pictures, sounds
and feelings of whatever thoughts you line up most frequently. It is vitally
important to be mindful of your self-talk. One positive thought per day does
not make a positive mind, you MUST REMAIN POSITIVE throughout the day!.
Can you
imagine yourself the way that you would like to be? When you visualize yourself
the way that you would like to be, you send your subconscious a clear message.
Many people like to imagine their target as a clothing size. To really see
themselves wearing the easily fitting clothes that they want to wear at the
place where they want to wear it, the more vividly you imagine yourself healthy
the more easily your subconscious will recognize the command. Remember that the
subconscious mind is not to process logical information, but to process sensory
information. Just quickly before we get
into the hypnotherapy, I would like for you to close your eyes, and imagine
yourself either at a time in the past when you were at the healthy target that
you would like to be at, or to imagine yourself in the future healthy and as
slim as what is healthy and appropriate for you. As you imagine this, notice
how your breathing changes. At first you hold your breath, as if you can’t
quite accept what you are imagining. That’s your body telling you that there’s
a conflict between what you are seeing and what you believe, but notice what
happens when you slow down your breathing. It’s so much easier to see yourself
in your mind’s eye as healthy and fit when you breath in a healthy and fit way.
In the same way that your body sent you a message through your breathing, you
are now sending a message back through your breathing. It feels more believable
when you breath slowly doesn’t it. Now, hold onto that picture and imagine
yourself entering that healthy fit, and comfortable body. Make it bright, make
it vivid and clear in your mind. That’s your new body. Remember to slow the
breathing down. No sudden gasps, just nice, slow and relaxed.
Move on to
the hypnotherapy
Each time
you deliver this counseling script, you will have to alter it for you client.
Every situation is a learning experience. You will do great if you keep the
script as a core structure that allows you to move with your client.
is like a dance. You pace each other and you move together forward and
backwards. This script is not a definitive cure all. This script is your
structure to allow you to relax and pay attention to your client, and to have a
method of bringing your session back into focus when it steers too far off
If you
practice this script with a student, friend or family member no less than 5 times
through before applying it to a client, you should have no trouble facilitating
your client to lose weight and to live a healthy life.
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